Direct Payment
Why should I sign up for direct payment?
No need to stand in lines to buy stamps or wait in line at City Hall to make a payment.
No worries about missing a deadline and paying a late fee – because the payments are made on time every time – your bill is paid on the due date.
How does direct payment work?
You will still receive a water/sewer bill statement indicating the amount due and the due date.
The bill will state "Do Not Pay, Payment Made by Direct Payment."
On the due date, the payment is drafted from your account to pay the bill in full. The bill statement and your bank statement will serve as your receipt.
Do I have to pay a fee for this service?
The city does not charge a fee for this service; however, if a payment is returned with “insufficient funds,” there will be a $25 service fee just like there currently is with returned checks.
What if I change my mind or change banks?
If you change banks, you will need to complete a new enrollment form and allow approximately 30 days for the change to go into effect. If we do not receive a notice in writing of the change in banks – and your payment is returned for “insufficient funds,” there will be a $25 service fee just like there currently is with returned checks.
If you change your mind and want to discontinue using the direct payment option – you must notify us in writing and allow 30 days for the change to go into effect.
Public Works Contact Info
3238 Bacon
Berkley, MI 48072
248.658.3490 phone
Office Hours
M-F 7AM - 3:30PM